Applications are invited from interested young men and women wishing to undertake the Bachelor of Nursing Science Programme at the Sangam Institute Technology – College of Nursing and Health Care Education, Labasa.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. A pass in the Fiji Year 13 examination with a minimum aggregate score of 250 out of 400.
2. A pass in English and Biology, and any 2 Science subjects from the following list:
· Mathematics
· Chemistry
· Physics
· Home Economics
· Agricultural Science
3. A minimum GPA of 3.0 from USP, FNU, or UniFiji in the full Foundation Science (8 units) with a mandatory pass in English and Biology with another science subject, preferably Chemistry.
4. Consideration MAY BE given to those applicants who have successfully completed relevant foundation units to bridge any of the failed subjects listed in #2 above from USP, FNU, or UniFiji, with a minimum GPA of 3.0, BUT MUST have scored 250 marks or above in the Year 13 examination.
5. Applicants must be between the age of 18 to 35 years of age and be medically fit.
Submission of the completed Bachelor of Nursing Science Application Form (B1 Form) with copies of academic transcripts certified either by a JP, School principal, or Solicitor and other requirements itemized in the application form should be forwarded to:
The Director,
Sangam College of Nursing,
Application forms can be obtained from the College website: www.sit.ac.fj or from:
Sangam College of Nursing at Sangam Avenue, LABASA
TISI, Sangam Head Office, NADI
Suva Sangam College, Howell Rd, SAMABULA, SUVA
Penang Sangam High School, RAKIRAKI
Ba Sangam High School, BA
Lovu Sangam Primary School/Sangam Village, LAUTOKA
Enquiries can be obtained from the College on phone: 8818 691 or 8818 692.
Applications close on November 29th, 2024.